How to Create an Attachment Style Quiz (for Free)

It’s safe to assume we’ve all taken a personality quiz before. Let’s face it—we, as humans, love learning new things about ourselves and those around us. 

Sure, there are hundreds of personality quizzes out there. But have you ever heard of an attachment style quiz? 

Maybe you’re wondering what attachment styles are. Or maybe you’re ready to create your attachment style quiz now. Either way, this post will guide you through the attachment theory and how to create an attachment style quiz. 

Publishing an attachment style quiz will give you the same benefits as any personality quiz. This type of quiz: 

  • Increases traffic to your website 
  • Attracts more leads 
  • Boosts your email list 

Plus, Interact’s software makes it easy to create a quiz in just one day (or less). To get started, log in to your Interact account and use this as a guide to create your attachment style quiz! 

Table of Contents 

1. What is an attachment style quiz? 
2. Who should create an attachment style quiz, and why? 
3. What is the attachment theory? 
4. What are the four attachment styles? 
5. Misconceptions about the attachment styles theory 
6. How to create an attachment style quiz 
7. How to promote your attachment style quiz
8. How to improve your attachment style quiz 

What is an attachment style quiz? 

Before I explain what an attachment style quiz is, let’s go over what attachment styles are.  

An attachment style is how you develop and form relationships throughout your life. According to the attachment theory, your parents influenced your attachment style as a child. 

There are four types of attachment styles—secure, anxious-resistant, avoidant, and anxious-avoidant. 

An attachment style quiz will tell you what attachment style you are and explain your relationship habits. 

Who should create an attachment style quiz, and why? 

An attachment style quiz is perfect for anyone in the psychology, personal growth, and/or mental wellness industry. 

This type of quiz will help your audience learn more about: 

  • How the attachment theory relates to them 
  • Their relationship patterns 
  • How to improve their relationships 

All three points above have one thing in common—do you know what it is? 

Each point above helps your audience. To be specific, they help your audience learn, discover, and build. 

Learn—Everyone has at least one relationship in their life, so you’ll teach your audience about something they can relate to. You’ll become an authoritative source. 

Discover—Users discover their attachment style and how it affects their relationships. After taking your attachment style quiz, they’ll feel motivated to learn more about their type through your resources and/or services.  

Build—Through your resources, users will build knowledge about their relationship strengths and weaknesses. They’ll build trust with your business as they learn more about themselves. 

To sum up, you will help your audience become better versions of themselves. And they’ll return the favor to your business. 

Plus, you can create a ton of useful content around your attachment style quiz. Blog posts, videos, and emails are just a few ideas—talk about a boost in revenue. 

What is the “attachment theory”? 

We’ve all seen what happens when a parent leaves their baby for more than three seconds—crying, fussing, and screaming. 

Any normal human tries to avoid this scenario, right? 

Well, not everyone. John Bowlby, a British psychoanalyst, found this interaction fascinating. 

He studied the long-term effects of parents, specifically mothers, separating from their children. Bowlby pondered questions like, “Why do babies cry when their mother isn’t around, and how does their reaction affect them over time?”

He later developed a theory around this form of attachment. Chris Fraley does a great job explaining Bowlby’s theory: 

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So . . . what does this theory mean, exactly? 

As a baby, you relied on your parents for literally everything—eating and protection are just two examples. When your parents met your needs, you felt secure and safe in your environment. 

When babies feel secure and safe, they’re more likely to socialize and explore their surroundings. Bowlby believed these behaviors helped children grow into adults fit to bear children. 

To put it simply, babies who feel secure and protected will develop and have children of their own. 

But the attachment theory didn’t stop there. 

In the 1960s, John’s colleague, Mary Ainsworth, put Bowlby’s attachment theory into practice. She studied the interaction between a one-year-old and the child’s parents. 

Here’s how it worked: 

Each study took place in a room with a parent and their child. The parent was asked to leave the room for a couple of minutes and then re-enter. Ainsworth studied the reaction of the one-year-old when the parent left, as well as their reaction when the parent came back. 

She used her insights to develop three attachment styles: 

Secure attachment style—The baby is upset when the parent leaves the room, but willingly reaches for them when they return. They feel secure and safe when the parent is around. 

Anxious-resistant attachment—The baby is upset when the parent leaves the room and is fussy when they return. The baby wants to “punish” their parents for leaving them. 

Avoidant attachment—The baby is upset when the parent leaves the room and disassociates with their parent after returning. The baby lost interest in their parents once they left. 

Note: One more attachment style has been added since Ainsworth’s findings. I’ll describe this attachment style later in the post. 

So how do these attachment styles affect us as adults? 

Let’s fast forward to the 1980s: Haazan and Shaver, two psychologists, found that our attachment styles as an infant can affect how we view and interact in romantic relationships. 

Wait . . . our attachment style affects our romantic relationships?  

Yup. A securely attached baby, for example, will express similar behaviors as they grow into adulthood and begin dating. 

Pretty interesting, right? Plus, recent studies show how your attachment style may influence relationships with family and friends. 

So what does each attachment style look like? 

What are the four attachment styles? 

Now that you’ve learned what the Attachment Styles Theory is and how it affects our adult relationships—here’s what each attachment style looks like. 

1. Secure attachment style 

Secure attachment types like to express love and support to their partner. On one hand, they have an easier time developing trust and intimacy in relationships. On the other hand,  they have no problem being independent. 

Secure types typically have healthy, long-lasting relationships. 

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Looking back on Bowlby’s theory, babies who felt safe when their parents re-entered the room showed signs of a secure attachment style type. 

Someone with a secure attachment style may show these traits: 

  • High self-esteem
  • Trusting and forgiving 
  • Welcomes commitment 
  • Communicates emotions and experiences comfortably 
  • Able to show and receive intimacy 

2. Anxious-resistant attachment style 

AKA, the Preoccupied Attachment Style. This is the first of three anxious attachment styles in the Attachment Style Theory. 

Anxious-resistant types fear abandonment, yet need reassurance. This type is complex: they crave intimacy but also have trouble trusting others for it. 

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In Ainsworth’s studies, babies with an anxious-resistant attachment showed fussiness and resistance when their parents re-entered the room. They wanted their parents to feel guilty about leaving them. 

In a relationship, most anxious-resistant types worry about their partners leaving them. In some cases, they’ll jump to irrational conclusions about their partner. 

Thoughts like . . . “My partner isn’t home from work, they MUST be cheating on me!” is common for this style. 

Someone with an anxious-resistant attachment style may show these traits: 

  • Worrying
  • Needs reassurance 
  • Sensitive to their partner’s moods 
  • Trouble being alone 
  • Jealousy 
  • Mild paranoia 

The end goal of an anxious-resistant person is to improve their own self-esteem. Once they feel secure as an individual, they’ll feel more secure with a partner. 

3. Avoidant attachment style 

AKA, The Dismissive Attachment Style. This type has trouble forming deep attachments. 

Unlike the anxious-resistant type’s clingy behavior, an avoidant attachment style disengages from others. They run away from vulnerability. 

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As a baby, this type would often disassociate from their parents when they re-entered the room. They found other parts of their environment more interesting than their caretakers. 

In a relationship, avoidant attachment types will often get “weirded out” at their partners for getting close. They don’t feel a need to spend much time with them. 

Thoughts like, “I feel suffocated by my partner, I need to stop seeing them” are common with this attachment style. 

Someone with an avoidant attachment style may show these traits: 

  • Feeling suffocated in relationships 
  • Emotionally distant 
  • Afraid of commitment  
  • Trouble prioritizing relationships  
  • Avoids emotional or “deep” conversations 

The end goal of an avoidant attachment type is to welcome vulnerability. Being vulnerable with themselves will help this type become more open with their partners. 

4. Anxious-avoidant attachment style 

AKA, The Disorganized-Unresolved Attachment Style. This is the most recently added type. This attachment style shows both traits from anxious-resistant and avoidant styles. 

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An anxious-avoidant attachment type wants deep attachment. Here’s the thing—when they receive intimacy, they reject it. This form of rejection can come out in bursts of anger and emotional turmoil. 

Thoughts like, “I love my partner” after a week, and then, “I can’t be around them anymore” one month later, are common for this type. They can go through a bunch of short-term relationships. 

Someone with an anxious-avoidant attachment style may show these traits: 

  • High self-esteem (when you first meet them) 
  • Fear of intimacy and commitment 
  • Emotionally charged anger 
  • Inability to trust and forgive 
  • Inability to depend on others 

The end goal of an anxious-avoidant attachment type is to overcome their fear of intimacy. This will help them sustain longer and healthier relationships. 

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When you create your attachment style quiz, make sure you know the differences between each type. You can find more info about each attachment style here.

Misconceptions About the Attachment Styles Theory 

After reading the section above, you might have a few questions about this theory—or maybe even a couple of critiques. 

Below are the most common misconceptions about each attachment style. Use these to improve your attachment style quiz questions and results. 

1. You only have one attachment style . . . and it’s for life 

The attachment styles theory isn’t one-size-fits-all. Sure, everyone has one main attachment style, but you can show many forms of attachments in different situations.

For example, you might show a secure attachment toward your parents, but a slightly avoidant one with an intimate partner. Your attachment style can change with each relationship. 

If you’re not happy with your attachment style, you aren’t doomed for life. In fact, you have the power to change your attachment style. All it takes is self-awareness and practice. 

Quick tip about your attachment style quiz: 

Reassure users that their attachment style isn’t their destiny. Scoring as an anxious-avoidant type doesn’t mean they’re unhealthy. And scoring as a secure type doesn’t mean they’re angels. 

Each attachment style can improve in some way or form. Guide your audience to better their relationship patterns with additional content and resources. 

2. Your parents can only determine your attachment style 

If you score as one of the anxious attachment styles, this doesn’t automatically mean your parents were terrible caretakers. 

Let me say it again for those in the back—being an anxious attachment type DOES NOT mean you had terrible parents! 

You might’ve had wonderful parents, but a scary bully in the 1st grade. Or, maybe you watched your parents go through their own relationship patterns as a kid. 

Your parents aren’t to blame. There are other reasons why you might be more anxious than others. This includes how you handle stressful situations in general. 

Quick tip about your attachment style quiz: 

Gain a better understanding of your audience’s attachment style and ask questions about all areas of their life. This can be their childhood, partner, work-life, etc. 

When you ask about different areas of their life, you’ll get a better sense of their type. 

3. An anxious attachment style means you’re broken 

Let’s be realistic—nobody is 100% secure. 

Different people and experiences flow in and out of our lives all the time. There’s bound to be a few experiences that create anxious and/or avoidant feelings. It’s normal. 

The best part about learning your attachment style is becoming aware of how you deal with these feelings. And if you are an anxious attachment style, you can learn how to use it to your best potential.  

Quick tip about your attachment style quiz: 

Avoid negative stigma toward anxious attachment styles. Instead, create ways to improve as any attachment style. You can do this by highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of each type. 

How to Create An Attachment Style Quiz With Interact 

Now that you know about each attachment style, you can create your quiz! To get started, head over to your dashboard and click “Create your quiz” at the top right. 

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1. Choose a template 
2. Design your attachment style quiz 
3. Edit the cover page 
4. Design your questions 
5. Create your results page 
6. Correlate your questions and answers 

1. Choose a template 

After you click “create your quiz,” Interact should take you to the template page. You can either “start from scratch” or choose one of the already-made templates. 

In this case, I’m going to choose a personality quiz template. You can do this by clicking on “Personality Quiz” under “All Quiz Types.” 

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The “parenting styles” template toward the bottom of the page is similar to attachment styles. I’ll be using this template for this tutorial. 

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2. Design your attachment style quiz 

Before you fill out your quiz, you should personalize your font, colors, and logo. 

Customizing your quiz deepens your brand. You’ll stand out from other attachment style tests. 

At the top of the page, you’ll notice a toolbar to change your font, quiz colors, and logo. Let’s start with the font. 

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Once you’ve chosen your font, you can pick your color scheme. I suggest using your brand colors. 

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Along with your font and colors, you can add a logo to the bottom of each quiz page. During the quiz, your logo will constantly remind users about your business. 

To add your logo, click on the photo icon in the toolbar. 

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When you add your logo, it’ll look something like this: 

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3. Edit the cover page 

Since I chose a “parenting style” template, the content is full of parenting style tips and images. This step will replace the cover page’s content with my own. 

Are you creating your quiz from scratch? You can still follow this tutorial as stated. 

The title of the quiz can be something simple, like “What’s your Attachment Style?” For the “about” section, a quick summary of your quiz should do. 

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Next is the cover photo. Click “edit cover image” to search for a new image or giphy. Most attachment style tests focus on romantic partners, so I’ll choose a relationship-style photo.  

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When you upload a photo, you’ll notice a tab called “Edit attribution.” Here, you can add alt-text to help with your organic rankings. 

Last is your call to action button. “Take the Quiz” is a good CTA. But to attract more users, I’m going to customize it.  

Your call to action can be something simple, like “Find out your style.”

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4. Design your questions

This step will be easier to finish if you have your list of questions ready. Don’t know what questions to ask? Head over to this section.  

After you click “Questions” on the left-side toolbar, your page should look like this. 

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From here, you can edit the question, answers, and images. 

In this tutorial, I’m going to use statements as questions. Statements as questions ask users to state how they feel about the statement given. 

For example, “I can look to my partner for support and advice,” allows someone to decide how much they agree with the statement. They can either agree, somewhat agree, or disagree. 

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Now let’s take a look at the question options. We’ll start with the first one, “Use Image Answers.”

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Yup, you can even add images to your answers! This is a great way to reach out to your visual learners. 

In this question, a user might be confused by what “support” and “advice” means. I’m going to use images to define exactly what this statement means. 

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Let’s take a look at the second option. In “Answer Settings” you can decide if users can click one or more answers. This option is useful for educational or Snapchat quizzes. 

Before we get to the last option, “editing your answer correlations,” let’s head over to the results section. It’ll be easier to correlate your questions once you’ve created each result. 

5. Create your results page

The results pages on Interact are pretty long (for good reason). You can separate the results page into four parts. 

  • The user’s results
  • Information about their result 
  • Next steps for users to take
  • Your call to action 

I’ll explain why each part is significant as I walk you through this step. Let’s start with the user’s results. 

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The first thing a user sees on a results page is, well, their results. Hopefully, their result encourages them to scroll down to your call to action. 

Pick a relevant image to get users excited about their results. With the secure attachment type, I chose a photo to symbolize a secure relationship. 

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As for the “about” section, write enough so a user understands their results. But here’s the key: Leave your user’s wanting to learn more. 

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Notice how the sentence, “But here’s something you might not know about the secure attachment style . . . ” sparks curiosity. This sets your reader up to learn more about their result and what they can do about it. 

Okay, the results part is done. Let’s give your audience more info about their attachment style. 

Anyone who takes an attachment style test is open to improving their relationships. This is the perfect place to offer a few tips about improving their attachment style. In this case, I’m going to recommend tips to strengthen all types of relationships. 

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Once a user learns more about their attachment style and tips to improve, they might be wondering, Where do I go from here?

This is where you come in. Introduce yourself and how your business will help them learn about their attachment style. 

Let’s say I owned a business called Personality Grow. I’d introduce my business and add a link to my free resources about attachment styles. This is also a good time to mention your services or products. 

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I also recommend listing a few pieces of content to redirect users to your website. When you redirect users, it boosts your lead generation. 

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And now we’ve come to the most important part—the call to action. 

Where do YOU want your audience to go from here? What’s their next step? 

Your call to action can lead users to a bunch of things, like:

Whatever your CTA is, make sure it’s clear, exciting, and easy to follow. In this tutorial, I’ll use my CTA to boost my email list. When a user subscribes to my email, they’ll receive a daily tip to improve their attachment style. 

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Voilá! Your results page is done. Let’s head back over to the attachment style questions and correlate them to your results pages.  

Want to learn how to create a quiz result landing page, step by step? Our guide will help you out. 

6. Correlate your questions and results  

From question one, click “Edit result correlation.”

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From here, you can choose what answers correlate best with your results. For example, answering “always/usually” to the question below correlates to a secure attachment style. 

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Make sure to correlate every question to your results. Once you’re finished, click the eye in the top right-hand corner to preview your quiz. 

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Congrats! You’ve officially created an attachment style quiz.

How to promote your attachment style quiz 

You’ve created your attachment style test . . . Now what? 

Sure, your online interactive quiz will bring a ton of new leads—if it’s seen. Promotion is absolutely essential to building any quiz. 

Luckily, there are two tried and true ways to promote your attachment style quiz:  

Your website 

What better place to promote your quiz other than your site? This option is especially useful for product quizzes.

There are a couple of ways to use your site as a promotional tool. 

Popup ad 

Notify users who visit your site about your new quiz with a popup ad. Here’s a cool tip: You can do this with our software! 

To create a popup ad, head over to your dashboard. Click “Share & Embed” to promote your quiz. 

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Choose the first option: “Use as Popup on your website.” You can customize your popup ad on the next page. 

Note: If you’d rather place an ongoing quiz ad, choose the “Use as Announcement Bar on your website” option. 

As you scroll down the page, you’ll notice the popup settings. You can customize settings like your background color, timer delay, etc. 

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Remember to enable your quiz popup and switch the “off” button to “on” at the top. Your popup quiz ad is now ready to go! 

Landing page 

A landing page is another great way to promote your attachment style quiz. With a landing page, you have more space to share the value of your quiz with users. 

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Personal Development School’s landing page is the perfect example. Take notes of the following features: 

Call to action—The CTA sits right at the top of the page. Users can start taking the quiz right away.

Benefits—Each benefit is clearly presented at the top, and they clearly tell users exactly what they’re getting into. 

The Attachment Style Theory—They describe the theory as “the single largest predictor of success in relationships.” 

Wouldn’t you want to take the quiz after reading that? 

The attachment styles—Each attachment style description is short and sweet.  

All in all, this landing page is clear, concise, and interesting. These are good tips to keep in mind as you build your quiz landing page.

Your website is all about your business and how you help out clients. Use it to your advantage. 

Social media 

Do you have a large social media following? Share your online interactive quiz with them and boost those leads. 

On your Interact dashboard, click “Share & Embed” to create a social media post. At the menu, click “Share your Quiz as a social media post.” 

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Note: You can also embed your quiz on Facebook Ads! Read our guide on how to create a Facebook advertising strategy.

Choose which social media channel you’d like to share your quiz on. I’ll choose Twitter for this example. 

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From here, you can customize your tweet and post your quiz to your followers. 

Interactive quizzes are a perfect addition to your social media strategy. They’re quick, fun, and grab your attention. Not to mention, Interact makes it easy to do. 

How to improve your attachment style quiz 

So you’ve created and promoted your attachment style quiz, what’s next? 

As your quiz begins to generate new leads, you might be wondering how to improve it even more. When you improve your quiz, you’ll continue getting long-term results. 

1. Ask the right questions 

As you already know, the attachment style theory predicts how you interact in relationships as an adult. 

Your questions should invite readers to think about their relationship habits. Ask questions that touch on these related topics: 

  • How they act with a partner 
  • How they act alone 
  • What their pet peeves are with relationships 
  • What desires they have with relationships 
  • Their relationship expectations 

To help you get inspired, I’ve created different sets of attachment style questions. 

The first set of questions are statements. Your users can decide if they agree, somewhat agree, or disagree with each statement. I’ve divided each set by those who are single, in a relationship, and/or parents. 


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  • I feel comfortable being single 
  • I look to my family and friends for support 
  • I get nervous when people try to get close to me  
  • I feel uncomfortable being alone 

In a relationship 

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  • I feel comfortable opening up to my partner 
  • I find it easy to depend on my partner 
  • My partner understands me 
  • I think arguments can strengthen me and my partner’s relationship 


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  • I let my kids make their own choices 90% of the time 
  • When my kids do something wrong, I yell at them 
  • I’m comfortable being away from my kids for certain periods of time 
  • My kids are their own person, they can do whatever they want. 

Along with statements, you can also ask situational questions. Situational questions get your readers thinking about how they’d react to certain situations. 


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  • You go on a first date with someone, and they show up with flowers, chocolate, and a poem. How do you feel? 
  • Your best friend is going through a family crisis, how do you support them? 
  • How frequently do you talk to your family and friends? 
  • You have a date set up but they blow you off. How do you react? 

In a relationship 

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  • Your partner wants to go on vacation with their friends for 2 weeks, how do you feel? 
  • Your partner wants to introduce you to their family after 1 month of dating, what do you say? 
  • What is the future of you and your partner? 
  • Your partner leaves for work and doesn’t come home until 10 pm, how do you react? 


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  • How did you act when your child was born? 
  • Your child played hooky and missed school today, what do you do? 
  • Your child comes home crying, how do you comfort them? 
  • You take your child to the grocery store and they throw a tantrum, what do you do? 

2. Personalize your results

As I’ve mentioned before, your attachment style can vary from person to person. You might have an anxious-resistant attachment style with your partner, but a secure attachment style with your family. 

Here’s a thought: What if you created an attachment style quiz for each relationship type? 

For example, you could create an attachment style test for: 

  • Parents 
  • Singles 
  • Those in a relationship 

The start of your quiz would look something like this: 

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Once a user chooses their relationship/parent status, you can create customized questions for them. This is a great way to diversify your audience. 

Okay, this sounds useful…But how do you do it? 

Interact’s ‘branching logic’ feature makes this possible. You can find this feature on the left-side toolbar. 

Upgrade to Use Branching Logic!  

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Branching logic allows you to customize your user’s journey throughout your quiz. The answer to one question might lead them to another set of questions. 

So let’s go back to the previous example. An attachment style quiz for singles, relationships, and parents are now 3 different quizzes, right? 

With branching logic, you can create 3 different sets of questions and results. To do this, click on the ‘edit’ button next to Branching Logic. The branching logic map will start off looking like this: 

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This map is a drag-and-drop tool. I’m going to drag the question, “Please choose your current situation” to the map. Then, I’ll connect the ‘start’ button to it. 

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Let’s say someone chose the relationship option. Their questions will focus on how they act with their partner. With that, I’m going to drag their first question under and connect them. 

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Below is how the map looks like when I drag different questions for each relationship type. 

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Do you see the pattern? Pretty cool, right? 

Branching logic is great for personalizing and creating more options for your users. If you want a demo, you can click on the help video tab at the top. 

Try Branching Logic 

3. Create a quiz funnel 

Your attachment style quiz doesn’t stop after you create and promote it. 

To get the best results out of your interactive quiz, offer helpful content about each attachment style. 

This could be anything, like: 

  • Blog posts about each attachment style 
  • Videos about the Attachment Style Theory 
  • An email list with tips to improve your attachment style 
  • A free ebook about the attachment styles 

There’s a ton of content to create about each attachment style. The possibilities are ENDLESS! 

With so many options, it’s easy to become overwhelmed. Even worse, it’s easy to create content nobody will ever see. 

We don’t want to happen, right? 

Here’s a simple solution to effectively create content around your quiz: Create a quiz marketing funnel

This article will teach you exactly how to create a quiz marketing funnel, but I’ll go over the gist here. 

A quiz marketing funnel is like any other funnel, with an exception—the top of the funnel (awareness) is your attachment style quiz. It looks a little something like this: 

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Once a user takes your quiz, you can guide them to your product/service. 

I recommend using your email list to acquire leads with your quiz. Interactive quizzes and email lists work well together, let me tell you why. 

Email list segments your audience: Your email list can use your quiz results to send personalized emails and recommendations. 

For example, if someone scores as an anxious-avoidant attachment style, your email will segment them to your anxious-avoidant list. From here, you can send all of those users information about anxious-avoidant types.  

Not to mention, you can also segment individual quiz questions to your email lists. How impressive is that? But it doesn’t stop there. 

You can create an email opt-in landing page at the end of your quiz. An opt-in page funnels users straight to your email. 

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Oh, and one more thing. Interact makes the whole process extremely easy! Using our software, you can set up your opt-in form and connect your email list to your quiz. Just go to the main menu and switch ‘Lead generation’ to on. Then, fill in the following pages to set up your email. 

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Need some guidance? No problem. Our guides will help you build an email list using your attachment style test. 

Create your attachment style quiz today 

Hopefully, this guide gave you everything you need to create an attachment style quiz. Here’s a quick summary of what you learned today: 

  • The attachment styles theory 
  • What each attachment style is 
  • Why you should create an attachment style quiz 
  • Misconceptions about the attachment styles theory
  • How to create an attachment style quiz with Interact 
  • How to promote your attachment style quiz 
  • How to improve your attachment style quiz 

Along with that, here are 3 takeaways to remember from this post: 

Ask the right questions – Get your audience to think about each question you ask. Keep them engaged with non-stereotypical questions. 

If you get stuck, look back to our list of questions to brainstorm ideas. 

Customization is key – When you look up ‘attachment style quiz’ on Google, a ton of options will pop up. Don’t let this intimidate you. Let it inspire you to stand out from the other quizzes. 

Use your buyer persona to develop a quiz your audience will resonate with. And use your brand! 

Know what’s next – What will your audience do once they finish your quiz? 

Your online interactive quiz is the perfect opportunity to generate new leads and sales. You can check out the “Quiz Funnel Queen” for inspiration. 

If you have any more questions about creating an interactive quiz, feel free to contact us at any time. 

Here’s to building your first attachment style quiz! 

What is the best quiz for you business?

Quizzes are super effective for lead generation and selling products. Find the best quiz for your business by answering a few questions.

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